Cole Veris
Full Name:. Cole Veirs
Hometown: Dagsboro De
Birthday: December 28, 2005
Where you go to school: Indian River
Where you live now: Dagsboro DE
Where you spend your summer: OCMD, Fenwick, Bethany
What you want to do when you grow up(other than surf): Business
Where you want to go to college (if applicable): Idk yet somewhere warm
Favorite place to surf: OBX
Favorite surfer: Griffin Colapinto
Favorite sport(other than surf): Soccer, Lacrosse
Favorite place to go on vacation: Florida
When you started surfing: I’ve been around it a lot but mainly last summer I’ve taken it seriously and tried a lot
What boards you ride: 5’4 lost sub driver 2.0, 5’8 Al Merrick two happy
What you do in your free time: Skate, Surf, Chill with friends
Favorite subject in school: Business
Favorite Video game: Fifa